Guide to cancel the Copa airlines
Canceling the flight is very common these days, and when your purpose of traveling to any destination is canceled for any reason, the last option left is to cancel the flight. Suppose you are planning to travel with Copa airlines. In that case, you can avail of several benefits, complete packages, offers, vouchers, and special facilities for disabled passengers, and if the case if your plans change, then you can also cancel the flight. If you do not have detailed information about canceling process, policy, and Copa cancellation fee, then you need to read below.
Flight cancelation policies of Copa airlines are below mention
Having the guidance of Copa Airlines cancellation policy is important as it will give you information about paying the cancelation fee or canceling the flight without paying any charges.
- If you make the booking via Copa airline's official website and send the flight cancelation request within 24 hours of reservation, it is non-chargeable.
- Cancelation requests after 24 hours are chargeable and will change according to the difference between the date of cancelation request and the flight boarding date.
- If you purchase insurance by paying extra charges at the time of booking, you cancel the flight without paying a fee.
- You can only cancel the flight before its departure and the boarding time is over, and then if you want to cancel the flight, you can not do it.
- Suppose you make the flight cancelation due to medical issues with you or within your family after booking the flight. In that case, you must show the genuine certificates and cancel the flight without paying the charges.
- Delayed due to technical issues, and you get your boarding pass, you will get complete care at the airport and cancel the flight without paying charges. In this situation, you can also reschedule the flight.
- For bookings made by you via any official representatives of Copa airlines, you need to connect them to cancel the flight.
- The flight cancelation fee of Copa airlines is between 120USD to 200USD for domestic bookings, and the international booking fee is 200USD to 350USD.
The steps to cancel the Copa airlines flight are below:
Via phone call: Follow the steps below to cancel the flight on the phone call.
- Dial this number 1 786 840 (2672)
- Then choose the suitable language
- After this mention, the country's name
- Lastly, follow the IVR
- Press 1 for new bookings
- Press 2 for cancelation
- Press 3 for a refund
- Press 4 for offers
- Press 5 to connect with representatives
As per the query, choose the option and then connect.
Via online: follow the below steps to cancel the flight online
- Go to the website of Copa airlines in your search engine
- Then open the manage bookings tab
- After this mention out the bookings reference number and surname of the passenger
- The next two options will come on the screen click on the flight cancelation option.
- Following this, you need to mention the reason for flight cancelation and, if required, then attach a documents
- Further, if any payments are available, pay them using a card or other methods.
- Last, a confirmation message of making the cancelation successfully you receive on the contact details.
By following the above ways, you can cancel my flight on Copa; if you cannot do it, you can connect with representatives.
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